I'm Carol, a fitness enthusiast and a beginner runner. My running journey began during the Covid lockdown, like most other people. Working from home was becoming monotonous with the endless sitting hours and constant snacking. With the gyms closed, I felt I needed to stretch my limbs and beat the sedentary lifestyle. I'm sharing this route to inspire more people to have an active lifestyle even in the face of a pandemic.
I chose this route as it was the closest to my house and the presence of a footpath shields one from the busy traffic. The route is a 4k stretch from the Eastern bypass to Kahawa Sukari-Engen junction. Depending on where you live, the length may vary. The route is pretty straightforward as it runs along Thika Road adjacent to Northlands Estate. Be cautious when crossing the main road to access this stretch and when you are here, watch out for the occasional bodabodas which tend to use the footpath.