Friends of Karura Race Series


We are excited to partner with Friends of Karura and Team Jasho to bring you our second Friends of Karura race series.

Scheduled for the third Sunday of every month from August to December 2024, our 5km/10km series is the ideal way to keep motivated and develop a group of running peers around your own pace.

Held in the beautiful surroundings of Karura Forest, the series also includes a 1.5km kids event. Each race is chip-timed so you can track your progress across the series.


Series Details

What is the series schedule?  events start at 8:00am on the third Sunday of each month (18th Aug, 15th Sept, 20th Oct, 17th Nov, 15th Dec)

Where are the races?  All races are in Karura Forest Block A.  The routes start on the Middle Track close to marker number 12, and finish is below Amani Gardens

What is the entry fee?  Adults are encouraged to enter the 5km or 10km series.  The cost is Ksh 2,500 for the whole series.  Entry for the 1.5km kids race is Ksh 1,000 for the series

What is included?  The entry fee includes: all five races, forest entry and parking, chip timing, a series medal, and water, fruits and coffee at each event

Series t-shirts: We are not producing a new t-shirt for this series.  If you missed series 1 and would like to purchase the t-shirt, you will be given the opportunity to do so after entries have closed at a cost of Ksh 500

Can I enter a single race?  No, entry is only open for the whole series.  Times will be recorded for each race attended.  Individual race rankings will be published as well as series rankings based on the average times across the series

Will there be supervision for kids?  Any child participating in the 1.5km event should be able to complete the distance and wait independently for parent runners.  There will be race marshals at the finish line to assist child runners as they wait for a parent to complete the 5km or 10km course

Contact Information: If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact the team on 0711892032 or [email protected]



Entries for the current series are now closed. Entires for our 2025 series will open in December.


Participant Briefing

Start Time/Location: start time is 8am prompt on the Middle Track (here). We recommend arriving at Gate A by 7:30am to park and reach the start

Forest Entry: forest entry is included in the entry fee.  You will need to retain and present your race number for all five events

By car, enter via Gate A on Limuru Road.  You can park at either KFEET (closer to start) or Amani Gardens (closer to finish).  Pedestrians can also enter via Gate D on ICRAF Road

We advise you to allow additional time for gate access and walking to the start line

Bag Drop:  if you need to drop a bag, this can be done at the finish line tent (next the the swamp area under Amani Gardens - here)

Routes: route and GPX files are available on the following links: 5km, 10km.  Turns will be marked with reusable printed signs rather than chalk.  In case you get lost, all routes finish on the trail next to the swamp below Amani Gardens

Route Support: water and fruits will be available at the 5km/10km point.  If you would like to carry additional water, please remember that Karura does not allow single-use plastics into the forest

Race Numbers and Medals: race numbers will be available for collection from Run Beyond from midday on Thursday 15th August.  Please arrange to collect your number in advance of attending your first event to avoid any issues entering the forest and ensure that your time is recorded

Medals will be distributed during the final race in the series and available for collection from Run Beyond thereafter 

Race Times: race times will be recorded at the finish using chip timing.  Please retain and wear your race number for all five events to have your time recorded

Please note that timing mats will only be placed at the finish line, so your time will be based on the gun time, (so if you are late to the start, this will impact on your recorded time!)

Results: results for each event will be published on this page.  Series results will be based on the average across the series, subject to a minimum of three (so it doesn't matter if you can't make all five events)

Replacement Numbers: in case you lose your race number, a replacement number can be requested from Run Beyond at a cost of Ksh 300

Changing Distances: the start list for the series will be locked down after the first event, and we will not be able to change during the series.  That said, if you have entered the 5km and would like to progress to the 10km distance, you are welcome to run the full distance, but your time will only be captured at the 5km point


Series 2 Results

Race 1: (Photos)

Race 2: (Photos)

For results from previous series click here


FKF Race Series Partners